Piano apps are an excellent source of entertainment and self-expression. They can also be a helpful tool for learning to play the piano, or even making music with friends! In this article we will discuss five of the best piano apps on Android so that you can find one that is perfect for your needs.
Besides simuling a piano on Android devices, they can help users learn to play the piano on the go as well.
Perfect Piano

Have you ever dreamed of being a piano virtuoso? Well, now it’s possible with Perfect Piano. The app has in-built genuine piano timbre and allows you to switch between single row or double row mode as well as chords mode. Multitouch screen support lets you play your favorite melodies – the keyboard width adjustment means beginners won’t face any difficulty either!
Perfect Piano is loaded with fine features like external audio recording, MIDI recording, metronome, grand & bright sound effects and many more for a perfect simulation experience that will make your imagination walk out of the room.
Piano – Play & Learn Free songs
It’s never too late to learn how to play the piano! Play and Learn Free Songs offers an endless variety of songs from some of today’s most popular artists and composers.
With new songs added every day, it’s easy to choose a song from any genre for elementary level beginners or you can challenge yourself with harders hits like Mozart, Bach, John Legend, Led Zeppelin and more. We also have backing vocals so that you can enhance your sound without having anyone else in the room.
Choose between Easy playing mode or Normal for more advanced players; both score so take advantage by tracking your progress at every tune!
Piano +
Do you want to play your favorite song from sheet music? For years, piano was the most desired instrument for many people even in this digital world. It is because of its sophisticated sound and that feeling in which clear notes resonate harmoniously that gives us a sense of infinity when we tap on it with our fingers. However, learning how to use a traditional piano can be difficult and expensive so until now, only few generations have been able to enjoy such an amazing sensation…
Piano+ is designed as both an attractive virtual keyboard with songs included and practice app for those who are interested in developing their playing skills. It has a lot of high-quality sounds composed by professional pianists like Mozart, Chopin or Beethoven; just choose the song you want and start playing.
Real Piano
Technology has changed the world of music, and now you can create soundtracks to your life from anywhere. Creative pianists everywhere are embracing our new Bluetooth-connected instrument that is designed with simplicity in mind. Once connected, you’ll be able to produce original compositions wherever creativity may strike.
The Real Piano is the perfect option for players looking to recreate an iconic experience of playing on a real, 88 key piano. With 88 keys and lots of features like studio sound quality and recording mode, it’s effortless to create unique renditions with any song. This app is full Featured keyboards like grand piano, synth organs, acoustic guitar and more!
Piano Fire
Pianos may seem like a silent and boring instrument but all that changes when Piano Fire is introduced to the game. Powered by ice and fire, its cool graphics creates an explosion of sound that goes to your very core. When you start learning these new piano tricks, you’ll soon realize how difficult it is which makes for an addictive game that will keep everyone coming back for more!
So this game is similar to other piano games, but there’s an ice and fire theme going on. Once you tap the tiles for a bit, it starts to sound like music. If this sounds interesting the read more to find out about the features of Piano Fire!