Google has been extremely productive lately. Earlier today, they released a new update for Android 12. They made it for both phones and TVs. Google is keeping its users updated with new releases that are making their lives easier! The last version of Android TV was a bit lackluster, but the latest beta version brings a lot of exciting features. It is now possible to have native 4K UI rendering and dynamic refresh rates for the first time in Android TV.

This will make it easier to understand what you see on your screen because it will be in 4K resolution rather than being upscaled from 1080p. For those who do not want some content to be blurred when shown on their screens, they can change this setting, which means that different types of content can play at different resolutions depending on what type of television you have.
The Tunnel Mode has also been updated for developers to make it more efficient. This means that developers can reduce the media processing overhead in the Android framework, which should be much easier on your hardware and should lead to better stability.
This new update also adds a new microphone icon for users who are using their voice assistant or other features built into this new update. There has also been an improvement in camera privacy by displaying a camera indicator when apps ask for it, so you know they have access to those features.
All of these changes will make the next generation of Android TV a lot better than before and may become something worth purchasing if you use it as your main source of entertainment. This is because Android TV devices have been improved with microphones as well as cameras to help provide you with an even better sounding audio or video recording capabilities when needed but still maintaining your privacy.